Friday, September 02, 2005

It’s Friday and yet another ‘last’ to deal with. My last day of employment with Scottish Equitable, last after work drinks with my favorite Scottish people (Helene, Michelle, Derek et al). If this blog had sound effects I would insert a ‘Shannon Sigh’ here.

Now don’t get me wrong, I am LOVING the fact that I will never ever have to process another death case again or tell another client I am sorry for our error and any inconvenience it may have caused. I am so NOT going to miss the 45 minute commute to work or, surprisingly, the constant temptation of sweets and biscuits (cookies) that the Bonds team seems so enamoured with.

But I will miss the people, first and foremost, the monthly deposit in my bank account secondly and the massive amount of holiday entitlement (i.e. 48 days p.a. if I wanted to do flextime). And, of course, my last day of work reminds me that it will soon be my last day in Scotland. I was, unfortunately, less than successful in my attempts to find a Scottish sugar daddy. I was, however, successful in finding sugar, but that’s another story, which I believe I have told many a times.

Anyways, they’ve already given me their farewells and pressies at work – a beautiful necklace (MacIntosh) and box of Thorntons chocolates. I don’t know where they got the impression I like chocolate…But, really, if I get anymore chocolate or candy or anything that even resembles junk food anymore I swear I will go nuts (or possibly turn into a Goodyear Blimp and float off). Insert another Shannon Sigh.

I’m getting to that point in the day where I really don’t want to do any more work (actually this feeling occurs every day), but that today I think I can get away with actually not doing any work!

So, in other news – it is my last night at 4H Canon Street – I have to be outta there tomorrow. I am so lucky to have the generosity of Ailbhe, who is letting me crash at her place until next Sunday. My landlord came by last night and, surprisingly, after a quick tour of the flat he confirmed that we would be getting our entire damage deposit back (minus £60 for the extra three nights I stayed there!). I even think he is giving us back more than we initially paid – I thought we paid in £650, but he thinks it was £700. Jen, if you are reading this, can you confirm how much Kelly paid you? Anyways, Canon Street was fabulous –so many good times had there and such fab flatmates from PEI! In succession – Jen, Keri, Kelly, Lindsay and Jen Again! Many random visitors as well –too many to count in fact. I need to move a dresser and a bed out of a four story building -we are on teh top floor. Thank goodness for strong, male Canadian friends!

Well, that’s about it for now – its been a hectic week, but unless you are a cleaning and packing fanatic and like to hear stories of other people’s experiences in these arenas, there really isn’t much to report. If you are one of the above-mentioned characters., well, I can only say I am sorry. Good luck to you.

In less than two hours I am asta la vista, upwards and onwards to the Ritz Bar & Grill then the Festival Tavern to celebrate my unemployed status! Wish me luck –the wine specials are too good to pass up!!


Anonymous said...

Enjoyed a lot!
» »

Anonymous said...

Where did you find it? Interesting read » »