Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Do you know the PEI song?

It starts something like this:

'I was Prince Edward Island born, and Prince Edward Island bred
and when I die, I'll be Prince Edward Island dead!'
Oh Prince Edward Island Island, Prince Edward Island
Island, Prince Edward Island Island
Some come from the West
and some come from the East
But where ever they go, they know PEI's the Best!

Hmm...from thereon in, it gets a bit fuzzy, but you get the idea.

So, I've been back on PEI since Sunday at midnight after an awesome weekend in Toronto. What a stopover on the way - Kingston to Toronto to PEI. Population wise, that goes something like: 117,000 to 3,000,000 to 140,000. Note that the last number represents the population of an ENTIRE province!

Random numbers and notes since my landing in PEI 2 nights ago:

15 kilometers - distance I've covered in training for marathon - 13 kms jogged, 2 kms walked

2 hours - amount of time I've spent working on my thesis research

4 hours - approx amount of time I've spent procrastinating on working on my thesis research

$140 - amount of money spent loading up on groceries only to discover after the fact that the
M&J boarding house that I am staying at (aka MOm & Jim's) is well stocked, especially in
in blueberries and haddock

1 - number of premiers I've seen since arriving on the Island. Yes, that's right I saw PEI premier Robert Ghiz at The Pilot House tonight, eating dinner with his wife. Only on PEI.

1 - number of UPEI professors I saw eating at the Pilot House who have decided that the leopard print look is so very 'hip' that he should get his head dyed to look like that of the spotted cat

49 seconds - length of my first stint as a videographer, where I assisted Jen Mac and Janielle Furness in getting one step closer to their dream of winning a 67 day trip to Orlando, Florida

And that's all for now. I am oover and oot!